
Award for doctoral dissertation

Sanja Milošević Govedarović won “Dr Milena Dalmacija” award for Doctoral Dissertation for the largest scientific contribution in the field of environmental protection at Universities in the Republic of Serbia in 2018.

The best oral presentation

Anđela Mitrović received award for the best oral presentation at the 3rd Congress of the Center for Scientific Research Work of Students, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade 2018.

The best poster and the best oral presentation awards

Željko Mravik won the best poster award at the 20th annual conference Yucomat, Herceg Novi, Montenegro 2018 and the best oral presentation at the Sixteenth Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering, December 6-8, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.

He received Special recognition from the Serbian Chemical Society in 2017 for the outstanding success during the studies and Scholarship from the Fund for Young Talents – Dositej award, Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, 2016.

Željko Mravik also received the best presentation award at 23rd Young Researchers Conference, Dubna, Russia, 2019.

Tijana Pantić won the best poster award at MCM2019, 14th Multinational Conress on Microscopy, 2019.